LD 1433
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LR 377
Item 1

3.__Failure to comply; 3rd offense.__A person who has 2 or
more prior convictions under this section and who in fact fails
to comply with any duty imposed under this chapter or a rule
adopted pursuant to this chapter commits a Class B crime.

4.__Strict liability.__Violation of this section is a strict
liability crime as defined in Title 17-A, section 34, subsection

5.__Prior convictions.__Title 17-A, section 9-A governs the
use of prior convictions when determining a sentence.

6.__Affirmative defense.__It is an affirmative defense that
the failure to comply with a duty imposed under this chapter or a
rule adopted pursuant to this chapter resulted from just cause,
except that a person to whom section 11222, subsection 2-A, 2-B
or 2-C applies may not raise a defense under just cause that the
person was not aware of the registration requirement.

Sec. 24. Interim meetings authorized. The Joint Standing Committee on
Criminal Justice and Public Safety is authorized to meet once, in
addition to any other authorized meetings, during the 2005 legislative
interim to review the criminal sentencing laws for sex offenses and the
public safety issues related to the Sex Offender Registration and
Notification Act of 1999. At this meeting the committee shall seek
information and data from public and private entities as necessary to
examine and recommend changes to the current laws governing the
sentencing, registration, release and supervision of sex offenders. The
committee may submit legislation to the Second Regular Session of the
122nd Legislature regarding the criminal sentencing laws for sex offenses
and the public safety issues related to the Sex Offender Registration and
Notification Act of 1999.

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