LD 1503
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LR 415
Item 1

(2) Retain or improve existing employment; or

(3) Improve the competitiveness of the occupant

B. Not more than one unoccupied community speculative
industrial building project may be financed in a

C. The authority shall charge interest on loans or funds
provided under this section to the municipality or local
development corporation for a community speculative
industrial building that remains unoccupied for 3 or more
years following completion of the building.

D. The authority shall adopt rules under chapter 375 with
respect to:

(1) The methodology and criteria for allocating funds
to community speculative industrial building projects;

(2) The process through which municipalities and local
development corporations must apply for community
speculative industrial building funds;

(3) Rates of interest, the duration of interest
payments and any other terms to which municipalities
and local development corporations must be subject
under this paragraph; and

(4) Other matters necessary to the proper
administration of this section.

Rules adopted under this paragraph are routine technical
rules pursuant to chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

2. Obligations. The municipality or local development
corporation receiving money under this section must:

A. Own, or hold on long-term lease, the site for the

B. Be responsible for and present evidence to the authority
of its ability to carry out the project as planned;

C. Site and maintain the community speculative industrial
building on property that is appropriate to the size and
location of the community speculative industrial building;

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