LD 1503
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LR 415
Item 1

speculative industrial building for sale into private commercial
use. Upon the request of the authority, the municipality or local
development corporation shall present evidence of its marketing
efforts and expenditures related to the community speculative
industrial building.

5. Taxes. While a community speculative industrial building
under this section remains unoccupied and a first mortgage is
held by the authority, it is property held for a legitimate
public use and benefit and is exempt from all taxes and special
assessments of the State or any of its political subdivisions.

6. Municipality. A municipality may raise or appropriate
money supporting and guaranteeing the obligation of a chamber of
commerce, board of trade or local development corporation for the
purpose of constructing a community speculative industrial
building subject to the provisions of this subchapter.

Sec. 18. 5 MRSA §13120-P, sub-§§2 and 3, as amended by PL 2003, c. 281,
§8, are further amended to read:

2. Redevelopment of property. Except as provided in section
13120-Q, the authority may undertake the redevelopment of
property as an owner or lender for subsequent use and sale under
the following conditions:

A. The property has been previously and materially used as
a commercial facility or the property is suitable for
adaptive use as a commercial or industrial facility;

B. The property is currently not in productive commercial
use or is expected to be taken out of productive commercial
use within the immediate future;

C. The property has not been placed under a purchase option
or contract;

D. The authority, using due diligence, has determined that:

(1) There is a reasonable expectation that the
property will become financially viable following its
redevelopment; and

(2) The economic benefits, including the restoration
of employment opportunities, expected to result from
the redevelopment justify the risks associated with the
authority's equity, security or other interest in the
property; and

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