LD 1968
pg. 147
Page 146 of 217 PUBLIC Law Chapter 519 Page 148 of 217
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LR 3074
Item 1

GENERAL FUND TOTAL$0 ($4,466,803)


Sec. NN-1. PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. Q, §2 is amended to read:

Sec. Q-2. Transfer from General Fund Salary Plan; Governor Baxter School for the
Deaf. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5,
section 1676 or any other provision of law, in fiscal year 2005-
06 and fiscal year 2006-07 the Governor Baxter School for the
Deaf may receive transfers from the General Fund Salary Plan for
the costs of collective bargaining agreements for employees of
the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf in amounts not to exceed
$97,247 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $197,411 in fiscal year 2006-
07 $294,658 for the 2006-2007 biennium.


Sec. OO-1. 25 MRSA §1534 is enacted to read:

§1534.__Consolidated Emergency Communications Fund

The Consolidated Emergency Communications Fund is created as
an enterprise fund for the deposit of any payments made by
municipal, county and state governmental entities in Kennebec
County.__The fund may not lapse but must be carried forward to
carry out the purposes of this chapter.

Sec. OO-2. Transfer budget and positions. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, the State Budget Officer at the request of the
Commissioner of Public Safety and the Maine Communications System
Policy Board may transfer position counts and available balances
by financial order to the Emergency Services Communication Bureau
within the Department of Public Safety. These transfers are
considered adjustments to authorized position counts,
appropriations and allocations in fiscal year 2006-07. The State
Budget Officer shall provide the Joint Standing Committee on
Appropriations and Financial Affairs a report of the transferred
amounts no later than September 1, 2006.

Sec. OO-3. Establish positions. Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, the Emergency Services Communication Bureau within the
Department of Public Safety may establish positions by financial
order when municipal, county and state governmental entities in
Kennebec County voluntarily consolidate communications systems
with the bureau's communications systems. The financial order
must identify the entity entering the consolidation and the
or positions being eliminated by

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