LD 1968
pg. 150
Page 149 of 217 PUBLIC Law Chapter 519 Page 151 of 217
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LR 3074
Item 1

D.__Refer clients to other agencies or entities for the
purpose of advocating for the rights and dignity of these

E.__Act as an information source regarding the rights of all
clients, keeping itself informed about all laws,
administrative rules and institutional and other policies
relating to the rights and dignity of the clients and about
relevant legal decisions and other developments related to
the field of mental health and mental retardation, both in
this State and in other parts of the country;

F.__Make and publish reports necessary to the performance of
the duties described in this section.__The chief advocate
may report findings of the office to groups outside the
department, such as legislative bodies, advisory committees,
commissions, law enforcement agencies and the press, and may
authorize the advocates in the office to so communicate.__At
least annually, the chief advocate shall report both in
person and in writing to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over mental health and
mental retardation matters; and

H.__Make all necessary reports to the commissioner to assist
the department in assuring compliance with the community
consent decree, Consumer Advisory Board et al. V. Glover,
No. 91-321-P-C (D. Me., September 28, 1994), as it relates
to the responsibilities and functions of the Office of

4.__Access to files and records.__The Office of Advocacy,
through the chief advocate and the other advocates, has access,
limited only by the law, to the files, records and personnel of
any institution, facility or agency administered, licensed or
funded by the department.__All persons with knowledge about an
incident related to client care, including client-to-client
assault, staff-to-client assault, client-to-staff assault,
excessive use of seclusion or mechanical or chemical restraint,
incidents stemming from questionable psychiatric and medical
practice or any other alleged abuse or neglect, shall immediately
report the details of that incident to the Office of Advocacy.__A
copy of an incident report must be provided to the Office of
Advocacy by the person making the report.

5.__Confidentiality.__Requests for action must be treated
confidentially as follows.

A.__Any client request for action by the office and all
written records or accounts related to the request are
confidential as to the identity of the client.

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