LD 1968
pg. 191
Page 190 of 217 PUBLIC Law Chapter 519 Page 192 of 217
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LR 3074
Item 1

charter in a council, this paragraph applies, except that the
petition and referendum provisions apply only if the municipal
charter does not otherwise provide for or prohibit a petition
and referendum process with respect to the matters described
in this paragraph.

(1) A majority of the entire membership of the school
board or committee must approve the additional amount
in a regular budget meeting.

(2) An article approving the additional amount must
conform to the requirements of section 15690,
subsection 3, paragraph B and be approved by a majority
of the entire membership of the council in a vote taken
in accordance with section 15690, subsection 5 or, if
the council votes not to approve the article, by a
majority of voters voting in a referendum called
pursuant to subparagraph (4).

(3) If an article is approved by the council pursuant
to subparagraph (2), the voters may petition for a
referendum vote on the same article in accordance with
subparagraph (4). If a petition is filed in accordance
with subparagraph (4), the vote of the council is
suspended pending the outcome of the referendum vote.
Upon approval of the article by a majority of the
voters voting in that referendum, the article takes
effect. If the article is not approved by a majority
of the voters voting in that referendum, the article
does not take effect. Subsequent to the vote, the
school committee or board may again propose an
additional amount, subject to the requirements of this

(4) If a written petition, signed by at least 10% of the number
of voters voting in the last gubernatorial election in the
municipality, requesting a vote on the additional amount is
submitted to the municipal officers within 30 days of the
council's vote pursuant to subparagraph (2), the article voted on
by the council must be submitted to the legal voters in the next
regular election or a special election called for the purpose.
The election must be held within 45 days of the submission of the
petition. The election must be called, advertised and conducted
according to the law relating to municipal elections, except that
the registrar of voters is not required to prepare or the clerk
to post a new list of voters and absentee ballots must be
prepared and made available at least 14 days prior to the date of
the referendum. For the purpose

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