LD 1968
pg. 193
Page 192 of 217 PUBLIC Law Chapter 519 Page 194 of 217
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LR 3074
Item 1

students and that has more than 15 and fewer than 26 limited
English proficiency students is eligible for an adjustment to
its allocation for limited English proficiency students that
is the difference between the amount that the school unit
would have received under the calculation described in
paragraph B and the amount that is calculated when the school
unit receives for the first 15 students a weight of .50
instead of .30 as otherwise required under paragraph B. This
paragraph is repealed June 30, 2006 June 30, 2008.

Sec. AAAA-6. 20-A MRSA §15680, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 504,
Pt. A, §6, is repealed.

Sec. AAAA-7. 20-A MRSA §15681, sub-§5, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 504,
Pt. A, §6, is repealed.

Sec. AAAA-8. 20-A MRSA §15681-A, sub-§3, as amended by PL 2005, c. 12,
Pt. UU, §3 and affected by §§12 and 13 and Pt. WW, §18, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

3.__Transportation costs.__For fiscal year 2006-07, the
commissioner, using information provided by a statewide education
policy research institute, shall establish for each school
administrative unit a predicted per-pupil transportation cost as
defined in section 15672, subsection 22-A.__The established
predicted per-pupil transportation cost multiplied by the number
of the school administrative unit's resident students for each
school administrative unit must be no less than 90% of the most
recent year's reported net transportation expenditures.__
Beginning in fiscal year 2007-08, and for each subsequent fiscal
year, the per-pupil transportation costs for each school
administrative unit are its predicted per-pupil transportation
cost for the most recent year adjusted by the Consumer Price
Index or other comparable index, except that the established
predicted per-pupil transportation cost multiplied by the number
of the school administrative unit's resident students for each
school administrative unit must be no less than 90% of the most
recent year's reported net transportation expenditures.__The
commissioner shall develop an appeals procedure for established
per-pupil transportation costs for school administrative units;

Sec. AAAA-9. 20-A MRSA §15682, as amended by PL 2005, c. 2, Pt. D,
§46 and affected by §§72 and 74 and c. 12, Pt. WW, §18, is
further amended to read:

§15682. Regional adjustment

The commissioner shall make a regional adjustment in the total
operating allocation for each school administrative unit
determined pursuant to section 15683. The regional adjustment

must be based on the regional differences in teacher salary costs
within labor market areas in the State, as computed by a
statewide education policy research institute, and must be
applied only to appropriate teacher salary and benefits costs as
calculated under section 15678 and salary and benefit costs of
other school-level staff who are not teachers as calculated under
section 15679. Beginning in fiscal year 2006-07, and at least
every 2 years thereafter, the commissioner, using information
provided by a statewide education policy research institute,
shall review the regional adjustment amounts under this section
and shall submit any recommended changes to the state board for

Sec. AAAA-10. 20-A MRSA §15683, sub-§1, ¶F, as enacted by PL 2005, c.
2, Pt. D, §47 and affected by §§72 and 74 and c. 12, Pt. WW, §18,
is amended to read:

F. An isolated small unit adjustment. A school
administrative unit is eligible for an isolated small school
adjustment when the unit meets the size and distance
criteria as established by the commissioner and approved by
the state board. The amount of the adjustment is the result
of adjusting the necessary student-to-staff ratios
determined in section 15679, subsection 2, the per-pupil
amount for operation and maintenance of plant in section
15680, subsection 1, paragraph B or other essential programs
and services components in chapter 606-B, as recommended by
the commissioner.

Sec. AAAA-11. 20-A MRSA §15686, sub-§2 is enacted to read:

2.__Adjustment in fiscal year 2006-07.__A school
administrative unit is eligible for a transition adjustment in
fiscal year 2006-07 to mitigate a significant increase in state-
certified property valuation according to the provisions of this

A.__A school admistrative unit is eligible under this
subsection if it meets the following tier 1 criteria:

(1) The school administrative unit's state subsidy for
fiscal year 2006-07, including the transition
adjustment under this section, is less than the state
subsidy the school administrative unit received in
fiscal year 2005-06, including transition adjustments
and adjustments for the decline in debt service; and

(2) The school administrative unit's state-certified valuation's
increase from 2004 to 2005 is greater than

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