LD 1968
pg. 208
Page 207 of 217 PUBLIC Law Chapter 519 Page 209 of 217
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LR 3074
Item 1

C. If the order is not voluntarily complied with, an
involuntarily committed patient on convalescent leave may be
returned to the hospital if the following conditions are

(1) An order is issued pursuant to paragraph A;

(2) The order is brought before a District Court Judge
or justice of the peace; and

(3) Based upon clear and convincing evidence that
return to the hospital is in the patient's best
interest or that the patient poses a likelihood of
serious harm, the District Court Judge or justice of
the peace approves return to the hospital.

After approval by the District Court Judge or justice of the
peace, a law enforcement officer may take the patient into
custody and arrange for transportation of the patient in
accordance with the provisions of section 3863, subsection

This paragraph does not preclude the use of protective
custody by law enforcement officers pursuant to section

Sec. BBBB-13. 34-B MRSA §3871, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__Discharge to progressive treatment program.__If a person
participates in the progressive treatment program under section
3873, the time period of a commitment under this section
terminates on entry into the progressive treatment program.

Sec. BBBB-14. 34-B MRSA §3873 is enacted to read:

§3873.__Progressive treatment program

1. Program established.__The department shall establish the
progressive treatment program to provide care for persons who
meet the criteria of subsection 2.

2.__Criteria for participation.__The following criteria apply
to participation in the progressive treatment program.

A.__Participation in the program must be ordered by the
District Court in accordance with this paragraph.

(1)__The superintendent of a state mental health
institute may file an application for an order of
admission to the progressive treatment program with the
District Court.

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