LD 1747
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LR 2606
Item 1

§814.__Family military leave

1.__Definitions.__As used in this section, unless the context
otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following

A.__"Deployed for military service" or "deployment" means
active military duty with the state military forces, as
defined in Title 37-B, section 102, or the United States
Armed Forces, including the National Guard and Reserves,
whether pursuant to orders of the Governor or the President
of the United States, when the duty assignment is in a
combat theater or in an area where armed conflict is taking

B. "Employee" means any person who may be permitted,
required or directed by an employer in consideration of
direct or indirect gain or profit to engage in any
employment and who has been employed by the same employer
for at least 12 months and has been employed for at least
1,250 hours of service during the 12-month period
immediately preceding the commencement of the employee's
family military leave.__"Employee" includes an independent

C. "Employee benefits" means all benefits, other than salary
and wages, provided or made available to employees by an
employer and includes group life insurance, health
insurance, disability insurance and pensions, regardless of
whether benefits are provided by a policy or practice of an

D. "Employer" means:

(1) Any person, partnership, corporation, association
or other business entity; and

(2) The State, a county, a municipality or any
political subdivision.

E.__"Family military leave" means leave requested by an
employee who is the spouse, domestic partner or parent of a
person who is a resident of the State and is deployed for
military service for a period lasting longer than 180 days
with the State or United States pursuant to the orders of
the Governor or the President of the United States.

2.__Family military leave requirement.__Subject to the
requirements of subsection 3, an employer that employs 50 or more

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