LD 1985
pg. 11
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LR 3053
Item 1

bonds to the trustees of the society for safekeeping and the
faithful discharge of the treasurer's duties.

§94.__Entry fees; lien on animals or articles

1.__Payment of entry fee.__A person who enters an animal or
article in a competition for premiums offered by a licensee must
pay the entry fee in accordance with the advertised rules and
regulations of the licensee, as long as the rules and regulations
are not in conflict with the laws of the State or rules adopted
in accordance with the laws of the State.

2.__Lien for failure to pay. When an entry fee is not paid as
required under subsection 1, a lien is created upon an animal or
article to secure payment with costs.__The lien may be enforced
by a civil action against the person owning the animal or
article, or the person entering the animal or article in the
competition. Alternatively, the lien may be enforced in the same
manner as liens on goods in possession.

3. Exception to lien. A lien under subsection 2 does not
affect the ownership of an animal or article when a person who
was not responsible for the entry fee and had no notice of the
lien purchases the animal or article.

§95.__Restriction on sale of goods and refreshments; lease of

1.__Sale of goods and exhibitions restricted.__A person who
sells refreshments or other merchandise, or exhibits a show or
play, unless in that person's own dwelling or usual place of
business, within a quarter of a mile of the fairgrounds during
the time a licensed fair is conducted is subject to a forfeit of
not more than $100 to the licensee.

2.__Lease restricted.__A person who leases any land or
building adjoining or overlooking the fairgrounds to spectators
of an exhibition on the fairgrounds during the time of the
exhibition, without the written consent of the licensee, is
subject to a forfeit of not more than $100 to the licensee.

3.__Recovery on complaint.__A forfeiture under this section
may be recovered on complaint of the licensee.

§96.__Use of prohibited substance; animals entered in events

1. Prohibition on administration of prohibited substance.__A
person may not feed, inject, insert or otherwise administer or
attempt to administer or instruct, aid or conspire with another
person to administer or employ anyone who administers or attempts
to administer a prohibited substance to an animal.

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