LD 1985
pg. 4
Page 3 of 29 PUBLIC Law Chapter 563 Page 5 of 29
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LR 3053
Item 1

4. Authorization for payment.__The commissioner may authorize
payment of a stipend only to a fair licensee that has adhered to
the requirements of this chapter.__A fair licensee is not
entitled to a stipend unless the licensee completes and returns
blanks issued in accordance with subsection 2. Neglect or failure
on the part of a licensee to adhere to the requirements of this
chapter is sufficient cause for withholding that licensee's

5.__Rulemaking.__The commissioner shall adopt rules to
establish procedures for licensing and awarding dates for
agricultural fairs and performance standards for evaluating
agricultural fairs.__Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection
are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter 2-A.

§83.__Licensing of agricultural fairs

A person or entity is not eligible to receive a stipend unless
that person or entity has been issued a license by the department
to hold an agricultural fair.

1. Application; fee. A person or entity applying for a license
under this section must submit a completed application form and a
$10 license fee to the commissioner no later than March 31st in
the calendar year preceding the first year of the license.__The
application for the license must contain the information
prescribed by the commissioner and must be signed and sworn to by
the applicant.__When the applicant is an agricultural society, an
executive officer of the society must sign and swear to the
information on the application.

2.__Issuance of license. If satisfied that an applicant will
comply or, if an applicant has previously held a license, that
the applicant has complied and will continue to comply with the
requirements of this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this
chapter, the commissioner may issue a license to the applicant
for an agricultural fair. A license is issued for 3 consecutive
years and only for the dates assigned by the commissioner in
accordance with section 84.

§84. Fair dates

1. Assigned fair dates. The commissioner shall set the dates
for which an agricultural fair license is effective in accordance
with rules adopted pursuant to section 82, subsection 5. No
later than May 15th of the calendar year preceding the first year
of each 3-year license period,__the commissioner shall announce
the assignment of fair dates and issuance of licenses.

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