LD 2029
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LR 3123
Item 1

the commission. These forms must include the following information
and any additional information reasonably required by the
commission to monitor the activities of political action committees
in this State under this subchapter:

Sec. 7. 21-A MRSA §1058, as amended by PL 1997, c. 567, §1, is
further amended to read:

§1058. Reports; qualifications for filing

A political action committee that is registered with the
commission or that accepts contributions or incurs obligations in
an aggregate amount in excess of $50 on any one or more campaigns
for the office of Governor, for state or county office or for the
support or defeat of a referendum or initiated petition shall
file a report on its activities in that campaign with the
commission on forms as prescribed by the commission. A political
action committee organized in this State required under this
section to file a report shall file the report for each filing
period under section 1059. A political action committee
organized outside this State shall file with the Commission on
Governmental Ethics and Election Practices of this State a copy
of the report that the political action committee is required to
file in the state in which the political action committee is
organized. The political action committee shall file the copy
only if it has expended funds or received contributions or made
expenditures in this State. The copy of the report must be filed
in accordance with the schedule of filing in the state where it
is organized. If contributions or expenditures are made relating
to a municipal office or referendum, the report must be filed
with the clerk in the subject municipality. Any person or
organization organized to oppose a question to be voted on by the
electorate at referendum shall report, within 10 days following
the drafting of the question by the Secretary of State and prior
to the distribution of any petitions for voter signatures
pursuant to chapter 11, to the commission as required in this
section and sections 1059 and 1060.

Sec. 8. 21-A MRSA §1060, sub-§4, as amended by PL 2005, c. 301, §27,
is further amended to read:

4. Itemized expenditures. An itemization of each expenditure
made to support or oppose any candidate, campaign, political
committee, political action committee, political party,
referendum or initiated petition, including the date, payee and
purpose of the expenditure and the address of the payee. If
expenditures were made to a person described in section 1012,
subsection 3, paragraph A, subparagraph (4), the report must
contain the name of the person; the amount spent by that person
on behalf of the candidate, campaign, political committee,

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