LD 1892
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LR 2565
Item 1

supplies for affected necessities, declare an abnormal market

A.__A declaration made under this subsection must specify:

(1)__The beginning date of the abnormal market

(2)__The particular necessity, necessities or
categories of necessities that are affected by the
abnormal market disruption and made subject to the
provisions of subsections 3 and 4; and

(3)__The levels of trade or commerce that are affected
by the abnormal market disruption and made subject to
the provisions of subsections 3 and 4.

B.__A declaration of abnormal market disruption under this
subsection expires when the Governor declares it expired or
60 days from the date of its issuance, whichever is sooner.__
The declaration of abnormal market disruption may be
modified by the Governor at any time.

C.__The Governor shall publish decisions under this
subsection in a manner reasonably calculated to give
affected persons adequate notice.

D.__Any person may petition the Governor regarding the
Governor's decisions under this subsection.

3.__Profiteering prohibited.__After the Governor has declared
an abnormal market disruption and before the declaration of the
abnormal market disruption expires, a person may not sell or
offer for sale necessities at an unconscionable price.

4.__Civil violation.__A violation of subsection 3 is a civil
violation that constitutes and may be prosecuted as an unfair act or
practice in the conduct of trade or commerce pursuant to Title 5, section
207, except that the provisions of Title 5, section 213 do not apply.__
The declaration of an abnormal market disruption creates a rebuttable
presumption that the disruption occurred and existed from the beginning
date in the declaration to the date of its expiration.

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