LD 1751
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LR 2950
Item 1

chapters 211 to 225 has been paid, pursuant to Title 30-A, section
4358, subsection 4, or Title 30-A, section 7060, subsection 1,
paragraph C, in lieu of a tax receipt provided by the State Tax
Assessor assessor.

Sec. 5. 36 MRSA §4064, first ¶, as amended by PL 2005, c. 218, §42, is
further amended to read:

A tax is imposed upon the transfer of real property and
tangible personal property situated in this State and held by an
individual who dies prior to January 1, 2002 or after December
31, 2002 and who at the time of death was not a resident of this
State. When real or tangible personal property has been
transferred into a trust or a limited liability company or other
pass-through entity, the tax imposed by this section applies as
if the trust or limited liability company or other pass-through
entity did not exist and the property was personally owned by the
decedent. Maine property is subject to the tax imposed by this
section to the extent that such property is either included in
the decedent's federal gross estate or is Maine elective
property. The amount of this tax is a sum equal to that
proportion of the federal credit that the value of the decedent's
Maine real and tangible personal property in this State bears to
the value of the decedent's federal gross estate. All property
values under this section are as finally determined for federal
estate tax purposes, except that for estates of decedents dying
after December 31, 2002 that do not incur a federal estate tax,
all property values are as finally determined by the assessor in
accordance with the Code as if the estate had incurred a federal
estate tax. The share of the federal credit used to determine
the amount of a nonresident individual's estate tax under this
section is computed without regard to whether the specific real
or tangible personal property located in the State is marital
deduction property.

Sec. 6. 36 MRSA §5200, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 2005, c. 457, Pt.
FFF, §1 and affected by §2, is amended to read:

1. Imposition and rate of tax. A tax is imposed for each
taxable year at the following rates on each taxable corporation
or and on each group of corporations that derives income from a
unitary business carried on by 2 or more members of an affiliated

If the Maine income is: The tax is:

Not over $25,0003.5% of Maine

the income

$25,000 but not over $75,000$875 plus 7.93%

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