LD 1909
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LR 2905
Item 1

services funded in whole or in part by the property tax levy, less the
product of the following: the amount of such funds received in the prior
fiscal year multiplied by the growth limitation factor described in
subsection 3. "Net new funds" does not include changes in state funding
for general assistance under Title 22, section 4311 or in state funding
under the Urban-Rural Initiative Program under Title 23, section 1803-B
if those changes are the result of the operation of the formula for
calculation of state funding under that section but does include changes
in funding that are the result of a statutory change in the formula for
calculation of state funding under that section. If a municipality
receives net new funds in any fiscal year for which its property tax levy
limit has not been adjusted as provided in this subsection, the
municipality shall adjust its property tax levy limit in the following
year in an amount equal to the net new funds.

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