LD 2041
pg. 11
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LR 3152
Item 1

B. As resources permit, undertake studies, develop findings
and make recommendations to the Governor and to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
utilities matters on issues affecting electricity supply or
costs to consumers in this State; and

C. Undertake an examination of the feasibility and
appropriate means of studying the impacts of electric
industry restructuring in this State.

8. Authority. As resources permit, the council may:

A. Conduct public hearings, conferences, workshops and other
meetings to obtain information about and discuss and
publicize the needs of and solutions to issues facing
electricity consumers in this State; and

B. At the request of the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over utilities matters,
examine specific issues affecting electricity consumers in
this State.

9. Report. No later than January 15, 2007, the council shall
submit a report that includes its findings and recommendations,
including suggested legislation, for presentation to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
utilities matters and the Legislative Council. The council is
not authorized to introduce legislation. Following receipt and
review of the report, the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over utilities matters may report
out a bill to the First Regular Session of the 123rd Legislature.

10. Extension. If the council requires a limited extension
of time to complete its study and make its report, it may apply
to the Legislative Council, which may grant an extension.

11. Council budget. The chairs of the council, with
assistance from the council staff, shall administer the council's
budget. Within 10 days after its first meeting, the council
shall present a work plan and proposed budget to the Legislative
Council for its approval. The council may not incur expenses
that would result in the council's exceeding its approved budget.
Upon request from the council, the Executive Director of the
Legislative Council shall promptly provide the council chairs and
staff with a status report on the council budget, expenditures
incurred and paid and available funds.

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