LD 1741
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LR 2790
Item 1

3.__Coordination with Office of Program Evaluation and Government
Accountability and Attorney General.__The State Auditor may
disclose information that is confidential under this section to the
Director of the Office of Program Evaluation and Government
Accountability and the Attorney General to ensure appropriate
agency referral or coordination between agencies to respond
appropriately to all complaints made under this section.

4.__Reports.__For each complaint under this section, the State
Auditor shall submit a written report to the Governor and publish
the report on the auditor's publicly accessible website.__The
report must include a detailed description of the nature of the
complaint, the office, bureau or division within the department
or any agency that is the subject of the complaint, the
determination of potential cost savings, if any, any recommended
action and a statement indicating the degree to which the
complaint has been substantiated.__The report must be submitted
no later than 120 days after the State Auditor receives the
complaint.__In addition, the State Auditor shall publish a
semiannual report to the Governor and Legislature of the
complaints received by the hotline or other referral service,
which may be electronically published.__The report must include
the following information:

A.__The total number of complaints received;

B.__The number of referrals of fraud or other criminal
conduct to the Attorney General;

C.__The number of referrals of agency performance issues to
the Office of Program Evaluation and Government
Accountability; and

D.__The number of investigations by the State Auditor by
current status whether opened, pending, completed or closed.

5.__Repeal.__This section is repealed July 1, 2009.

Sec. 3. Establishment of referral criteria; report. Prior to commencement of a
hotline or other referral service established by the State Auditor to
receive complaints of fraud, waste, inefficiency or abuse in State
Government, the State Auditor, the Attorney General and the Director of
the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability shall work
together to establish criteria for the referral of such complaints
received and coordination of the response between the appropriate
agencies. The State Auditor shall report the results of this effort to
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
state and local government matters no later than 30 days following
development of the criteria or at the next meeting convenient for the
committee to receive the report.

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