LD 2055
pg. 26
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LR 3065
Item 1

job responsibilities include direct contact with mortgage
applicants and who accepts applications for and originates,
negotiates, solicits, arranges for or obtains mortgage loans.
"Loan officer" does not include employees who conduct purely
administrative or clerical tasks. "Loan officer" does not include
a sole proprietor licensed as and acting solely as a supervised
lender pursuant to section 2-302, subsection 1 or registered
licensed as and acting solely as a credit services organization
loan broker pursuant to section 10-201.

Sec. B-3. 9-A MRSA art. X, as amended, is further amended by
repealing the headnote and enacting the following in its place:

Article X


Sec. B-4. 9-A MRSA §10-201, as amended by PL 2005, c. 164, §9 and c.
274, §5, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§10-201.__Licensing and biennial relicensing

A person desiring to engage or continue in business in this
State as a loan broker shall apply to the administrator for a
license under this article on or before January 31st of each
even-numbered year.__The application must be in a form prescribed
by the administrator.__The administrator may refuse the
application if it contains erroneous or incomplete information.__
At the time of application and on an ongoing basis during the
term of any such license, the applicant shall apply to the
administrator for registration of all loan officers employed or
retained by the applicant.__An application for registration as a
loan officer must be filed in a manner prescribed by the
administrator and include the name, address and work location of
the loan officer and such additional information as is reasonably
requested by the administrator.__An applicant's registration of a
loan officer within 90 days of the date that registration would
otherwise be required does not constitute a violation of this
section.__A license may not be issued unless the administrator,
upon investigation, finds that the financial responsibility,
character and fitness of the applicant and, where applicable, its
partners, officers or directors and the character and fitness of
its loan officers, warrant belief that the business will be
operated honestly and fairly within the purposes of this Title.__
The administrator may adopt rules requiring that applicants,
applicants' partners, officers or directors and employees of
applicants satisfy initial and continuing educational
requirements.__The reasonable costs of meeting such educational
requirements are
assessed to applicants.__Rules adopted pursuant

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