LD 2055
pg. 39
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LR 3065
Item 1

the satisfaction of the Governor for the faithful discharge of the
trust. During In the event of the absence or disability of the
Treasurer of State, the deputy treasurer of state shall act as the
Treasurer of State to perform the duties of the office, including
the exercise of all the Treasurer of State's rights and obligations
as a member or ex officio member of any governing board of
directors. When a vacancy occurs, he shall give bond to the State,
with sureties, to the satisfaction of the Governor, for the
faithful discharge of his trust.

Sec. C-2. 5 MRSA §2031, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2005, c. 343, §1, is
further amended to read:

1. Council established. The Pharmaceutical Cost Management
Council, referred to in this chapter as "the council," is
established and consists of 15 16 voting members appointed by the
Governor as follows:

A. The Commissioner of Administrative and Financial
Services or the commissioner's designee;

B. The Commissioner of Health and Human Services or the
commissioner's designee;

C. The Executive Director of the Workers' Compensation
Board or the executive director's designee;

D. One representative of private payors who join the

E. One member from each of Four members representing the
following publicly funded groups:

(1) The Two members from the Maine state employees
health insurance program, one member representing labor
and one member representing management;

(2) The One member from the University of Maine
System; and

(3) The One member from the Maine Community College

F. The director of the Governor's Office of Health Policy
and Finance or the director's designee or the director of a
successor agency;

G. Two public purchasers not listed above;

H. A health care provider;

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