LD 2055
pg. 46
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LR 3065
Item 1


Education in the Unorganized Territory 0220

Initiative: Provides for a one-time deappropriation of funds to
the Education in the Unorganized Territory program in fiscal year

GENERAL FUND2005-062006-07

All Other Personal Services ($400,000)$0



Sec. C-14. Resolve 2005, c. 183, §1, sub-§§23 and 24 are amended to read:

23. Language is added regarding the verification of habitat
value for shorebird nesting, feeding and staging areas that
provides that:

A. An individual may voluntarily submit documentation to
the Department of Environmental Protection or the Department
of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife regarding the value of a
shorebird nesting, feeding or staging area;

B. Documentation must be completed by an individual who has
experience and training in either wetland ecology or
wildlife ecology, and therefore has qualifications
sufficient to identify and document a high- or moderate-
value shorebird nesting, feeding or staging area, or the
documentation must be field-verified by the Department of
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife;

C. Following review of the documentation, the Department of
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife may modify the boundary of a
high- or moderate-value shorebird nesting, feeding or
staging area depicted on the applicable geographic
information system data layer; and

D. A landowner will receive written confirmation of the
documentation from the Department of Environmental
Protection; and

24. The section regarding department determinations of
shorebird nesting, feeding and staging areas in the provisionally
adopted rule is deleted and replaced with a provision that
provides that if, upon request from a landowner, the Department
of Environmental Protection staff provides a written field
determination or
advisory opinion regarding the presence or

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