LD 1636
pg. 2
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LR 2028
Item 1

Whereas, the costs of providing basic governmental services ought
to be borne equitably by those owning land or residing in the
unorganized territories; and

Whereas, in the judgment of the Legislature, these facts create
an emergency within the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and
require the following legislation as immediately necessary for
the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; now,
therefore, be it

Sec. 1. Commission established. Resolved: That the Commission to Study
the Cost of Providing Certain Services in the Unorganized
Territories, referred to in this resolve as "the commission," is
established; and be it further

Sec. 2. Commission membership. Resolved: That the commission consists
of 17 members appointed as follows:

1. The following members appointed by the President of the

A. Two members of the Senate, at least one of whom is a
member of either the Joint Standing Committee on
Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry or the Joint Standing
Committee on Natural Resources and at least one of whom is a
member of the political party with the 2nd highest number of
members of the Senate;

B. A representative of county government from a county that
includes areas within the jurisdiction of the Maine Land Use
Regulation Commission; and

C. Two owners of land in the unorganized territories, one
of whom owns less than 500 acres and one of whom owns more
than 100,000 acres.

2. The following members appointed by the Speaker of the House
of Representatives:

A. Four members of the House of Representatives, at least
one of whom is a member of either the Joint Standing
Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry or the
Joint Standing Committee on Natural Resources and at least 2
of whom are members of the political party with the 2nd
highest number of members of the House of Representatives;

B. A representative of county government from a county that
includes areas within the jurisdiction of the Maine Land Use
Regulation Commission; and

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