LD 504
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LR 537
Item 1

property described herein together with adjacent property described
in Book 5667, Page 32; Book 4952, Page 283; and Book 5691, Page
307. The buyer shall also provide a certificate of title or title
insurance policy demonstrating ownership of former Lot 10, acquired
in 2 separate transactions: Book 4952, Page 283 and Book 5667,
Page 32. The buyer shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
commissioner that the transfer herein does not create an illegal
subdivision on a substandard lot or violate any local or state law,
ordinance or regulation.

If the commissioner elects to solicit bids, the commissioner
shall publish notices of sale sufficient to advertise the
properties. The commissioner may reject any bids; and be it

Sec. 7. Proceeds. Resolved: That any proceeds from sales pursuant to
this resolve must be deposited in the Special Revenue Account for
Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery at Civic Center Drive, Account
No. 014 15A 2101 402; and be it further

Sec. 8. Repeal. Resolved: That this resolve is repealed 3 years from
its effective date.

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