LD 1676
pg. 2
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LR 2394
Item 1

3. Exercise the power of eminent domain to quiet for all time
any possible challenges to ownership of the property;

4. Negotiate, draft, execute and deliver any easements or
other rights that, in the president's discretion, may contribute
to the value of the proposed sale; and

5. Release any interests in the property that, in the
president's discretion, do not contribute to the value of the
remaining property; and be it further

Sec. 3. Property interests authorized to be conveyed. Resolved: That the
property authorized to be sold or leased is the following:

An unimproved parcel of land consisting of 1.37 acres, more
or less, near, but not adjacent to, remaining property of
Southern Maine Community College, in South Portland, Maine.
Title to said parcel, designated Lots 124 and 125 on the
City of South Portland Assessor's Map 005, was formerly held
by the State of Maine but was transferred to the Maine
Community College System in 2002; and be it further

Sec. 4. Property to be sold as is. Resolved: That the property must be sold
"as is," with no representations or warranties.

Title must be transferred by quitclaim deed without covenant
and executed by the president; and be it further

Sec. 5. Exemptions. Resolved: That a conveyance pursuant to this
resolve is exempt from any statutory or regulatory requirement
that the property first be offered to the Maine State Housing
Authority or another state or local agency; and be it further

Sec. 6. Appraisal. Resolved: That the president shall have the
current market value of the property determined by an independent
appraiser. The property may be listed for sale with a private
real estate broker at its appraised value or auctioned or sold
directly to a purchaser. The president may negotiate the terms
of sale including the purchase price. The president may reject
any offers.

If the president elects to solicit bids, notices of sale must
be advertised; and be it further

Sec. 7. Proceeds. Resolved: That any proceeds from sales pursuant to
this resolve must be deposited in an account to be designated by
the president and used to purchase all or a portion

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