LD 504 LR 0537(01)
Resolve, Authorizing the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services To Sell or Lease the Interests of the State in Certain Real Estate Located along the New Belgrade Road in Augusta
Fiscal Note for Original Bill
Sponsor: Rep. Lerman of Augusta
Committee: State and Local Government
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Current biennium revenue increase - Other Special Revenue Funds
Minor cost increase - General Fund
Fiscal Detail and Notes
The administrative costs associated with authorizing the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services to sell or lease the state's interests in a small portion of the Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery can be absorbed by the department utilizing existing budgeted resources.  The property is to be appraised prior to the conveyance and it is expected that the value will not exceed $20,000.  Any proceeds from the sale of property will be deposited in an Other Special Revenue Funds account for the Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery.