LD 1323
First Regular Session - 123rd Legislature - Text: MS-Word, RTF or PDF LR 1349
Item 1
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Resolve, To Require the Department of Public Safety To Determine the Requirements for Regional Firefighters Concerning Assisting Other Municipalities

Sec. 1. Firefighter standards outside a municipality. Resolved: That the Department of Public Safety shall evaluate the requirements of firefighting training in accordance with the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 30-A, section 3154 and create a report that reviews the issue of firefighters who assist in fighting fires outside their own jurisdiction and the liability faced by each municipality and firefighter. The report must address the need of protecting a municipality in accepting outside assistance whenever needed without undue liability to the municipality or a trained firefighter. The report must also consider the feasibility of creating regional fire protection divisions among rural municipalities of the State. The department shall submit the report of its findings with suggested legislation to the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety no later than February 1, 2008. The Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety is authorized to submit legislation to the Second Regular Session of the 123rd Legislature.


This resolve directs the Department of Public Safety to study, and report to the Legislature with suggested legislation concerning, the issue of firefighters who respond to fires outside their municipality. The report will consider what risks and liabilities are faced by the firefighters and the municipalities and include legislation to protect the parties and encourage the sharing of resources in firefighting in rural areas of the State.

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