LD 1369
First Regular Session - 123rd Maine Legislature
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LR 2315
Item 1
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Resolve, To Promote High-quality Before-school and After-school Programs

Sec. .


This resolve is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208.

This resolve proposes to review the various funding and accountability requirements for the range of programs providing before-school and after-school programming for school-age children. It also proposes to increase both the effectiveness and efficiency of those programs in meeting the broad needs of the children, families and communities in which they exist.

Specifically, the resolve would create a study group to review and make recommendations for administrative or legislative action, or both, concerning ways to promote high-quality before-school and after-school programs through child care licensing and quality rating if those programs are "custodial" in nature. A program would be considered custodial if it enrolls children under 12 years of age and provides care on a regular and ongoing basis. The program would require attendance and allow a child to leave only when accompanied by a parent or authorized adult.

Special purpose programs, such as a swimming team or other sports teams, after-school clubs, lessons and events would still be exempt from child care licensure under the proposals from the study group.

The study group would also explore ways in which the State can maximize the effect of available funding on the broad community needs of school-age children and families to determine whether federal grants administered by the State can be instrumental in meeting the broader needs of children and families in the community, such as the social growth of children and the needs of working families, and effectively promoting cooperation with existing community programs serving school-age children and their families.

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