LD 1537
First Regular Session - 123rd Maine Legislature
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LR 1223
Item 1
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Resolve, To Improve Access to MaineCare Home Health Services

Sec. 1. MaineCare rates for Home health care. Resolved: That, by October 1, 2007, the Department of Health and Human Services shall amend the rules for reimbursement of home health agencies under the MaineCare program as follows:

1. The new rates must comply with the federal requirement that home health Medicaid rates be sufficient to provide access to care and services for persons receiving Medicaid-reimbursed home health services that is similar to access for the general population;

2. The new rates must provide reimbursement for home health agencies that provides a rate increase from the rates established in 1999 on a fee-for-service basis that recognizes the increase in the Consumer Price Index medical index and must recognize the greatly increased cost of mileage reimbursement to agency personnel traveling to perform their work;

3. The new rates must provide reimbursement for remote in-home monitoring as a part of the care program for persons receiving home care; and

4. The new rules must provide for an annual review of home health care rates.

Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical rules as defined by the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A; and be it further

Sec. 2. Review; report. Resolved: That the Department of Health and Human Services shall assess the effect of providing home care and hospice benefits to noncategorical adult waiver members and shall report its findings to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services not later than December 1, 2007.


This resolve requires the Department of Health and Human Services to adjust the rates for home health agencies providing care under the MaineCare program and to add an annual review and adjustment. The rules, which are designated as routine technical rules, must be amended by October 1, 2007. The resolve also directs the department to assess the impact of providing home care and hospice benefits to MaineCare members enrolled under the noncategorical adult waiver and to report to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services by December 1, 2007.

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