LD 2048
First Special Session - 123rd Legislature - Text: MS-Word, RTF or PDF LR 2877
Item 16
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Amend the amendment in section 2 in chapter 16-D in §1691 by inserting after subsection 6 the following:

7 Children.   "Children" means children under 3 years of age.

Amend the amendment in section 2 in chapter 16-D in §1691 by renumbering any nonconsecutive subsection number to read consecutively.

Amend the amendment in section 2 in chapter 16-D in §1692 in the indented paragraph in the 2nd line (page 2, line 38 in amendment) by striking out the following: " vulnerable"

Amend the amendment in section 2 in chapter 16-D in §1696 in subsection 1 in paragraph A in the 2nd line (page 5, line 9 in amendment) by striking out the following: " vulnerable"


This amendment defines "children" as children under 3 years of age and strikes the word "vulnerable" everywhere in the amendment.

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