LD 897
First Regular Session - 123rd Legislature - Text: MS-Word, RTF or PDF LR 478
Item 1
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

An Act Relating to Trains and Train Service in the State


This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208.

The bill, as emergency legislation, proposes to implement the recommendations of a statewide working group that was established at the request of the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation during the Second Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature to explore the issue of noise and air pollution attributed to train engines idling for long periods of time in various communities. The working group was comprised of municipal officials, neighborhood groups, federal and state environmental regulators, federal and state departments of transportation, Legislators, railroad representatives and additional interested parties. The objective of the working group was to review various options and recommendations proposed, such as financial incentives for installing auxiliary power units, or APUs. The Joint Standing Committee on Transportation directed the working group to work toward resolution of issues pertaining to noise and air pollution caused by idling trains in residential neighborhoods whether by developing new policies or by legislation, if necessary.

Specifically, the bill proposes to encourage rail operators to install and use idling reduction technologies whenever possible and to assist rail operators in investigating all funding sources available to reduce the cost of their installation. Under the bill, the Department of Transportation and the Department of Environmental Protection will work together to identify and apply through the Northeast Diesel Collaborative and other sources for funding to assist in the installation of idling reduction technologies through matching grants or loans to the railroads.

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