Amend the bill in section 1 in subsection 4 in the last line (page 1, line 4 in L.D.) by striking out the following: " 1051, subsection 3-A" and inserting the following: ' 1207'
Amend the bill in section 2 in subsection 3 in the 2nd line (page 1, line 8 in L.D.) by striking out the following: " subsection 3-A" and inserting the following: ' section 1207'
Amend the bill by striking out all of section 3 (page 1, lines 21 to 27 in L.D.)
Amend the bill in section 4 in subsection 3 in the 2nd line (page 1, line 31 in L.D.) by striking out the following: " 1051, subsection 3-A" and inserting the following: ' 1207'
Amend the bill in section 5 in §1206 in the first paragraph in the 2nd line (page 1, line 37 in L.D.) by striking out the following: " section 1051, subsection 3-A and section 1205" and inserting the following: ' section sections 1205 and 1207'
Amend the bill by inserting after section 5 the following:
‘Sec. 6. 28-A MRSA §1207 is enacted to read:
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the bureau may issue a dual liquor license to a retail establishment to serve wine and malt liquor to be consumed on the premises in accordance with subsection 2 if that establishment is licensed to sell wine and malt liquor to be consumed off the premises and meets the criteria listed in subsection 1.
Sec. 7. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations and allocations are made.
Liquor Enforcement 0293
Initiative: Provides funding for one Public Safety Inspector II position and related All Other costs.
2009-10 |
2010-11 |
1.000 |
1.000 |
Personal Services
$63,106 |
$66,852 |
All Other
$12,000 |
$12,000 |
$75,106 |
$78,852 |
Amend the bill by relettering or renumbering any nonconsecutive Part letter or section number to read consecutively.
Current law prohibits retail stores licensed to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises from allowing patrons to consume alcoholic beverages on the premises. This amendment establishes a dual liquor license for retail establishments that sell beer and wine to be consumed off the premises. The dual liquor license will allow certain off-premises licensees to serve beer and wine to be consumed on the premises. The licensee would be required to stock at least $35,000 in beer and wine, provide table seating for at least 16 persons, have a full kitchen that prepares meals and has staff dedicated to accommodating customers purchasing items to be taken away from the store. Beer or wine could be served only when accompanied by a meal. A dual liquor license with a $600 annual fee would be issued in addition to the off-premises license. The amendment also adds an appropriations and allocations section.
(See attached)