An Act To Provide a Temporary License To Operate a Public Dance Establishment
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:
Sec. 1. 8 MRSA §161, sub-§7 is enacted to read:
7. Temporary license. Following the transfer of ownership of a public dancing building, a new owner that applies for a new dancing license for that building may simultaneously apply to the Commissioner of Public Safety for a temporary dancing license. The commissioner may issue a temporary license, which is valid for the shorter period of 60 days or until a decision is made on the application submitted pursuant to subsection 3. The fee for a temporary license issued pursuant to this subsection is $100.
This bill allows a person who obtains control of a public dancing establishment to apply for a temporary dancing license while the application for a regular dancing license is pending with the Commissioner of Public Safety, but no more than 60 days. The fee for a temporary dancing license is $100 and the revenue from the fee would be used in the same manner as the fee for the regular dancing license fee of $117: licensing and enforcement of public dances.