LD 1348 LR 2069(02)
An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, Highway Fund and Other Funds, and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2012 and June 30, 2013
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment " A "
Committee: Transportation
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 Projections  FY 2013-14 Projections  FY 2014-15
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $0 $0 $6,306 $11,816 $17,353
Highway Fund ($754,870) $318,205,065 $323,707,892 $303,011,759 $310,235,584
Highway Fund ($754,870) $312,905,013 $313,022,214 $293,270,409 $295,982,573
Federal Expenditures Fund $0 $183,448,892 $188,067,082 $72,295,506 $72,865,062
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 $120,593,885 $67,337,962 $46,674,495 $46,723,701
Transportation Facilities Fund $0 $2,200,000 $2,200,000 $2,200,000 $2,200,000
Fleet Services Fund - DOT $0 $25,845,805 $26,407,709 $26,884,265 $27,166,180
State Transit, Aviation and Rail Transportation Fund $0 $5,619,179 $8,760,092 $8,807,677 $8,849,752
Island Ferry Services Fund $0 $9,573,856 $9,778,398 $9,958,786 $10,082,652
Marine Ports Fund $0 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000
General Fund $0 $0 ($6,306) ($11,816) ($17,353)
Highway Fund $0 $0 ($5,266,227) ($9,741,350) ($14,253,011)
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 $0 ($537,468) ($996,835) ($1,459,637)
Highway Fund $0 ($5,300,052) ($5,419,451) $0 $0
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 $5,300,052 $5,419,451 $0 $0
FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 Projections  FY 2013-14 Projections  FY 2014-15
Fund Detail by Section
Highway Fund
PART A, Section 1 $0 $3,915,491 $3,299,286 $3,350,561 $3,385,770
PART A, Section 2 $0 $33,054 $33,054 $33,054 $33,054
PART A, Section 3 $0 $13,000 $8,125 $13,000 $8,125
PART A, Section 5 $0 $33,796,900 $34,653,748 $35,164,483 $35,670,302
PART A, Section 6 $0 $35,355,011 $36,283,476 $36,602,597 $37,106,877
PART A, Section 7 $0 $254,561,821 $257,404,805 $235,231,575 $237,379,060
PART B, Section 1 $0 $0 $0 $2,225 $3,751
PART D, Section 4 $0 ($531,816) ($1,086,408) ($1,078,260) ($1,099,825)
PART N, Section 2 $0 ($2,000,000) ($2,500,000) ($2,575,000) ($2,626,500)
PART O, Section 2 $0 ($9,186,643) ($9,742,998) ($10,035,288) ($10,336,347)
PART P, Section 2 $0 ($2,865,840) ($5,131,988) ($3,233,685) ($3,330,696)
PART Q, Section 2 $0 ($185,965) ($198,886) ($204,853) ($210,998)
PART R, Section 1 ($754,870) $0 $0 $0 $0
Federal Expenditures Fund
PART A, Section 7 $0 $183,448,892 $188,067,082 $72,294,270 $72,862,977
PART B, Section 1 $0 $0 $0 $1,236 $2,085
Other Special Revenue Funds
PART A, Section 4 $0 $38,025,834 $38,275,456 $38,275,456 $38,275,456
PART A, Section 7 $0 $82,568,051 $29,062,506 $8,398,927 $8,448,056
PART B, Section 1 $0 $0 $0 $112 $189
Transportation Facilities Fund
PART A, Section 7 $0 $2,200,000 $2,200,000 $2,200,000 $2,200,000
Fleet Services Fund - DOT
PART A, Section 7 $0 $25,845,805 $26,407,709 $26,884,265 $27,166,180
State Transit, Aviation and Rail Transportation Fund
PART A, Section 7 $0 $5,619,179 $8,760,092 $8,807,677 $8,849,752
Island Ferry Services Fund
PART A, Section 7 $0 $9,573,856 $9,778,398 $9,958,786 $10,082,652
Marine Ports Fund
PART A, Section 7 $0 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000
FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 Projections  FY 2013-14 Projections  FY 2014-15
General Fund
PART C, Section 1 $0 $0 ($6,306) ($11,816) ($17,353)
Highway Fund
PART C, Section 1 $0 $0 ($5,266,227) ($9,741,350) ($14,253,011)
Other Special Revenue Funds
PART C, Section 1 $0 $0 ($537,468) ($996,835) ($1,459,637)
Highway Fund
PART F, Section 1 $0 ($5,300,052) ($5,419,451) $0 $0
Other Special Revenue Funds
PART F, Section 1 $0 $5,300,052 $5,419,451 $0 $0
Fiscal Detail and Notes