LD 1628 LR 2492(04)
An Act To Limit Payment for Care and Treatment of Residents of State Institutions
Fiscal Note for Bill as Engrossed with:
C "A" (S-468)
Committee: Health and Human Services
Fiscal Note
FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 Projections  FY 2013-14 Projections  FY 2014-15
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $0 ($63,079) ($63,079) ($63,079)
General Fund $0 ($63,079) ($63,079) ($63,079)
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 ($96,921) ($96,921) ($96,921)
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 ($96,921) ($96,921) ($96,921)
Fiscal Detail and Notes
The General Fund savings associated with limiting reimbursement for medical services provided to a resident of a state institution outside of the state institution to the Medicare rate is estimated to be $63,079 in fiscal year 2012-13.  The Other Special Revenue Funds savings and corresponding reduction in revenue is estimated to be $96,921 in fiscal year 2012-13.