LD 1003
Session - 126th Maine Legislature
LR 1770
Item 1
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents Chamber Status

Resolve, To Establish the Commission To Study Accessibility and Affordability of Higher Education

Emergency preamble. Whereas,  acts and resolves of the Legislature do not become effective until 90 days after adjournment unless enacted as emergencies; and

Whereas,  the Commission To Study Accessibility and Affordability of Higher Education is established to study ways to improve higher education by making it more affordable and accessible to the State's citizens; and

Whereas,  the study must be initiated before the 90-day period expires in order that the study may be completed and a report submitted in time for submission to the next legislative session; and

Whereas,  in the judgment of the Legislature, these facts create an emergency within the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and require the following legislation as immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; now, therefore, be it

Sec. 1. Commission established. Resolved: That, notwithstanding Joint Rule 353, the Commission To Study Accessibility and Affordability of Higher Education, referred to in this resolve as "the commission," is established; and be it further

Sec. 2. Commission membership. Resolved: That the commission consists of 13 members appointed as follows:

1. Six members appointed by the President of the Senate as follows:

A. Two members of the Senate, including not more than one member from the party holding the largest number of seats in the Legislature;
B. One member who is currently attending an institution of higher education or who is a recent graduate of an institution of higher education;
C. One member who represents a family who has a student attending an institution of higher education;
D. One member who is a representative of a public institution of higher education; and
E. One member who represents an advocacy organization that represents students or consumer interests; and

2. Seven members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives as follows:

A. Three members of the House of Representatives, including not more than 2 members from the party holding the largest number of seats in the Legislature;
B. One member who is currently attending an institution of higher education or who is a recent graduate of an institution of higher education;
C. One member who represents a family who has a student attending an institution of higher education;
D. One member who is a representative of a private institution of higher education; and
E. One member who is a representative of a financial institution in the State.

The commission also has the following ex officio members: the Chief Executive Officer of the Finance Authority of Maine; the Commissioner of Education, or the commissioner's designee; the Chair of the State Board of Education; and the Superintendent of Consumer Credit Protection within the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation; and be it further

Sec. 3. Chairs. Resolved: That the first-named Senate member is the Senate chair and the first-named House of Representatives member is the House chair of the commission; and be it further

Sec. 4. Appointments; convening of commission. Resolved: That all appointments must be made no later than 30 days following the effective date of this resolve. The appointing authorities shall notify the Executive Director of the Legislative Council once all appointments have been completed. After appointment of all members, the chairs shall call and convene the first meeting of the commission. If 30 days or more after the effective date of this resolve a majority of but not all appointments have been made, the chairs may request authority and the Legislative Council may grant authority for the commission to meet and conduct its business; and be it further

Sec. 5. Duties. Resolved: That the commission shall:

1. Undertake a comprehensive study of the administrative and academic decisions and practices at the institutions and system levels that affect accessibility and affordability of higher education;

2. Examine the effectiveness and financial sustainability of current financial assistance programs in the State;

3. Review the transparency and disclosure policies of institutions of higher education concerning financial aid awards, adjustments to those awards and total borrowing costs;

4. Review other states' efforts to improve accessibility and affordability of higher education and consider the best practices from other states, public institutions and systems of higher education in implementing the commission's plan;

5. Provide recommendations for implementing a strategic plan and specific actions that may be reasonably taken to increase the accessibility and enhance the affordability of public higher education for residents of the State;

6. Consult with all departments and agencies in the State to obtain advice and information as the commission determines necessary to facilitate its purposes; and

7. Have 5 meetings in 2013, with the first meeting on August 1, 2013; and be it further

Sec. 6. Staff assistance. Resolved: That the Legislative Council shall provide necessary staffing services to the commission; and be it further

Sec. 7. Report. Resolved: That, no later than February 1, 2014, the commission shall submit a report that includes its findings and recommendations, including suggested legislation, for presentation to the Second Regular Session of the 126th Legislature and no later than February 1, 2015 shall submit its final report that includes its findings and recommendations, including suggested legislation, for presentation to the First Regular Session of the 127th Legislature; and be it further

Sec. 8. Outside funding. Resolved: That the commission shall seek outside funding contributions to supplement legislative funding of the study. All funding is subject to approval by the Legislative Council in accordance with its policies.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble, this legislation takes effect when approved.


This resolve establishes the Commission To Study Accessibility and Affordability of Higher Education.

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