Amend the amendment by striking out all of the first to 7th paragraphs (page 1, lines 12 to 29 in amendment) and inserting the following:
Amend the bill in section 1 by striking out all of §643 (page 2, lines 15 to 39 and page 3, lines 1 to 11 in L.D.) and inserting the following:
Notice must be given to the owner or user of an electronic device whose location information was obtained by a government entity. The government entity's notification obligation applies only if the government entity is able to identify the owner or user.
Amend the bill in section 1 in §644 in subsection 4 in the blocked paragraph in the first line (page 3, line 29 in L.D.) by striking out the following: " No later than 48 hours" and inserting the following: ' Within a reasonable period of time'
Amend the amendment on page 2 by striking out all of the 3rd paragraph (page 2, line 5 in amendment)
Amend the amendment by striking out all of section 2.
This amendment replaces the language regarding notice to more closely track the language governing notice contained in Legislative Document 1377, "An Act To Protect Cellular Telephone Privacy." In addition, this amendment specifies that a government entity must file a statement with the court within a reasonable period of time rather than 48 hours after seeking disclosure.
(See attached)