An Act To Create a Pilot Project To Reduce Substance Use Disorders among Youth in Piscataquis County To Be Used as a Model for All Maine Communities
This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208.
This bill proposes to establish a comprehensive, evidence-based pilot project in selected Piscataquis County communities and schools with the goal of reducing the harmful effects of substance use disorder and addiction. The pilot project will use best practices for screening high-risk children, early intervention and community and family support to prevent addiction and promote public health and safety. The pilot project must be administered by a local nonprofit entity with expertise in management and in the subject matter of the project.
The bill provides funding for the planning and implementation of the pilot project, including, but not limited to, funding to:
1. Employ one full-time person to lead and manage the implementation of the project;
2. Engage outside consultants with expertise in planning, evaluation, training and technical assistance;
3. Convene community partners to leverage local, state and federal resources;
4. Train school staff and others working with priority populations;
5. Screen and provide early intervention to children and families most at risk for substance use disorder and its related implications;
6. Build school and community capacity to mitigate trauma and improve resilience; and
7. Promote understanding of and decrease stigma surrounding substance use disorder.
The bill also provides funding for a professional evaluation of the pilot project and requires a report to the Legislature on the pilot project's effectiveness and ease of replication in other communities that are being affected by the opiate epidemic.