‘Resolve, To Establish the Task Force on the Substitution of Highly Toxic Chemicals in the Workplace’
HP0490 LD 699 |
Session - 128th Maine Legislature C "A", Filing Number H-135, Sponsored by
LR 1218 Item 2 |
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents | Chamber Status |
Amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting the following:
‘Resolve, To Establish the Task Force on the Substitution of Highly Toxic Chemicals in the Workplace’
Amend the bill by striking out everything after the title and before the summary and inserting the following:
‘Sec. 1. Task force established. Resolved: That, no later than October 1, 2017, the Commissioner of Labor, referred to in this resolve as "the commissioner," shall convene a task force, referred to in this resolve as "the Task Force on the Substitution of Highly Toxic Chemicals in the Workplace" or "the task force," to develop procedures and guidelines to assist nonagricultural employers in implementing a program for the substitution of highly toxic and hazardous chemicals in the workplace; and be it further
Sec. 2. Task force membership. Resolved: That the membership of the task force is governed by this section.
1. The commissioner shall invite the participation of:
2. The commissioner may invite the participation of:
Industrial sectors represented on the task force may include, but are not limited to, the following manufacturing, retail and service sectors: automotive, auto body repair, shipbuilding, paper manufacturing, manufacturing of apparel or apparel components, medical equipment, construction, personal care product or feminine product manufacturing, coatings, textiles, lumber, plastics, technology and cleaning and janitorial services; and be it further
Sec. 3. Duties. Resolved: That the task force shall:
1. Identify priority chemicals, industries and occupations;
2. Consider the classes of highly toxic chemicals;
3. Identify publicly accessible website lists of online databases that identify highly toxic chemicals and hazardous chemicals;
4. Identify safer alternative chemicals that may be substituted for highly toxic chemicals and hazardous chemicals currently employed in industrial uses; and
5. Develop guidelines, including steps for the substitution of highly toxic and hazardous chemicals, to assist employers in deciding whether substituting a highly toxic and hazardous chemical is feasible for their business operations. The Department of Labor shall refer to the federal Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration guide, "Transitioning to Safer Chemicals: A Toolkit for Employers and Workers," as a basis document for developing these guidelines; and be it further
Sec. 4. Report. Resolved: That the commissioner shall submit a report of the task force's findings and recommendations to the Joint Standing Committee on Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development no later than December 15, 2017.’
This amendment, which is the majority report of the Joint Standing Committee on Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development, replaces the bill with a resolve directing the Commissioner of Labor to convene a task force to develop procedures and guidelines to assist nonagricultural employers in implementing a program for the substitution of highly toxic and hazardous chemicals in the workplace. The commissioner must submit a report of the task force's findings and recommendations to the committee no later than December 15, 2017.