LD 1604
Session - 128th Maine Legislature
LR 2321
Item 1
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents Chamber Status

Resolve, To Amend Authorization To Sell Certain Property in Augusta

Sec. 1. Resolve 2013, c. 98, §3, amended. Resolved: That Resolve 2013, c. 98, §3 is amended to read:

Sec. 3. Property to be sold "as is" to a nonprofit organization; master plan. Resolved: That the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services may negotiate and execute purchase and sale agreements upon terms the commissioner considers appropriate; however, the state property described in section 2 must be sold "as is," with no representations or warranties, to a nonprofit organization that provides services and shelter to homeless veterans and has done so for at least the past 2 years and agrees to use the property exclusively for transitional housing for veterans. Title must be transferred by quitclaim deed without covenant or release deed and executed by the commissioner. This resolve constitutes a change to the 2001 Capitol Planning Commission master plan; and be it further

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Sec. 2. Resolve 2013, c. 98, §5, repealed. Resolved: That Resolve 2013, c. 98, §5 is repealed.


Resolve 2013, chapter 98 authorized the State to sell property located in Augusta to a nonprofit organization to be used exclusively for transitional housing for veterans. This resolve removes that restriction on the exclusive use of the property.

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