LD 629
Session - 129th Maine Legislature
LR 2205
Item 1
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents Chamber Status

An Act To Ensure a Seat on the Shellfish Advisory Council Is Held by a Person with a Background and Credentials in a Field of Marine Science

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §6038, sub-§1,  as enacted by PL 2007, c. 606, Pt. A, §2, is amended to read:

1. Appointment; composition.   The Shellfish Advisory Council, referred to in this section as "the council" and established by Title 5, section 12004-I, subsection 57-G, consists of 13 members who are appointed by the commissioner as follows:
A. Four members who are commercial shellfish license holders, at least 3 of whom must be primarily soft-shell clam harvesters. In making the appointments under this paragraph, the commissioner shall consider up to 6 recommendations from associations representing the interests of persons who harvest shellfish commercially;
B. Two members who are shellfish aquaculture lease holders. In making the appointments under this paragraph, the commissioner shall consider up to 3 recommendations from associations representing the interests of persons who raise shellfish under aquaculture leases;
C. One member who represents the interests of municipalities with wastewater treatment systems;
D. Two members who are licensed wholesale seafood dealers who have been issued a shellfish sanitation certificate pursuant to section 6856, subsection 1. In making the appointments under this paragraph, the commissioner shall consider up to 3 recommendations from associations representing the interests of persons who buy and sell shellfish;
E. One public member with knowledge of and interest in coastal water quality;
F. Two members who are municipal shellfish wardens. In making the appointments under this paragraph, the commissioner shall solicit and consider up to 3 recommendations for these 2 appointments from associations representing the interests of persons who protect and help manage municipal shellfish resources; and
G. One member who has been issued a shellfish depuration certificate under section 6856, subsection 3.

The commissioner shall make appointments so that the composition of the council reflects a geographic distribution along the coast of the State and so that at least one member of the council has a demonstrated knowledge of a marine science and, at minimum, a bachelor's degree in a field of marine science.

Sec. 2. Transition. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 12, section 6038, subsection 1, a member of the Shellfish Advisory Council as of the effective date of this Act may serve the remainder of the member's term.


This bill directs the Commissioner of Marine Resources to ensure that a seat on the Shellfish Advisory Council is held by a member who has a demonstrated knowledge of a marine science and, at minimum, a bachelor's degree in a field of marine science.

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