LD 30 LR 766(02)
An Act To Improve Health Care Data Analysis 
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment " "
Committee: Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Current biennium cost increase - General Fund
Current biennium cost increase - Federal Expenditures Fund
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill requires the Maine Health Data Organization (MHDO) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to develop a multi-payer provider database and service locator tool, with any associated costs to be absorbed by the DHHS within existing budgeted resources or through grant funding. The development and implementation of this tool is being funded by a $2 million federal grant which expires on 03/29/21. The on-going operating cost for the tool is estimated to be $250,000 annually and currently there is no funding for the on-going cost. If the DHHS is not able to secure additional grant funding, the impact of this new unfunded cost on other programs in the DHHS could be significant.
The bill also establishes the Maine Health Data Organization Health Information Trend Advisory Committee. Costs to the MHDO, the Bureau of Insurance, the Department of Administrative and Financial Services and the DHHS to serve on the committee are expected to be minimal and can be absorbed within existing budgeted resources.