LD 701 LR 1052(05)
An Act To Modernize the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program
Fiscal Note for Bill as Engrossed with:
C "A" (S-139)
S "A" (S-329) to C "A" (S-139)
Committee: Education and Cultural Affairs
Fiscal Note
FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 Projections  FY 2021-22 Projections  FY 2022-23
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $0 $0 $150,000 $150,000
General Fund $650,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000
General Fund $650,000 $150,000 $0 $0
Other Special Revenue Funds ($650,000) ($150,000) $0 $0
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill requires the Department of Education to contract for the services necessary to develop and implement an Internet-based application for free or reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program and make the application available to local school administrative units (SAU's).  According to the department, Internet-based applications are available and, therefore, there is no need to develop one.  The department will hire a vendor through a request for proposal process to maintain the application and deliver it to SAU's.
The bill includes ongoing General Fund appropriations of $150,000 per year beginning in fiscal year 2019-20 to the School Finance and Operations program within the Department of Education to contract for the services necessary to provide the Internet-based application for free or reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program to public schools.  It also includes a one-time General Fund appropriation of $500,000 in fiscal year 2019-20 to the department for school administrative units that start or expand alternative breakfast delivery services that provide breakfast after the start of the school day.
The bill directs the State Controller to transfer $650,000 in fiscal year 2019-20 and $150,000 in fiscal year 2020-21 from the Medical Use of Marijuana Fund, Other Special Revenue Funds account, to the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund to reimburse the General Fund for the first two years of appropriations in the bill.