LD 776 LR 1202(03)
An Act Regarding Post-judgment Motion by a Person Seeking To Satisfy the Prerequisites for Obtaining Special Restrictions on the Dissemination and Use of Criminal History Record Information for Certain Criminal Convictions
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment " "
Committee: Judiciary
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Minor cost increase - General Fund
Minor cost increase - Highway Fund
Minor revenue increase - General Fund
Minor revenue increase - Other Special Revenue Funds
Correctional and Judicial Impact Statements
The additional workload associated with the minimal number of new cases filed in the court system does not require additional funding at this time.
The collection of additional fine and/or fee revenue will increase General Fund and dedicated revenue by minor amounts.
Fiscal Detail and Notes
Additional costs to the Department of Public Safety related to this legislation can be absorbed within existing budgeted resources.