LD 1247 LR 840(03)
Resolve, To Clarify the Good Cause and Sanction Process in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Additional Support for People in Retraining and Employment Programs
Fiscal Note for Bill as Engrossed with:
C "A" (H-408)
Committee: Health and Human Services
Fiscal Note
Potential current biennium cost increase - Federal Block Grant Fund
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This resolve requires the Department of Health and Human Services amend its rules to establish a process for a Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Additional Support for People in Retraining and Employment participant who fails to comply with a program requirement with an opportunity to claim good cause and receive a determination from the department. If the department were to determine that additional individuals had good cause for failing a program requirement and could remain in the program, it could increase program costs.