LD 1766 LR 2492(03)
An Act To Transform Maine's Heat Pump Market To Advance Economic Security and Climate Objectives
Fiscal Note for Bill as Engrossed with:
C "A" (S-220)
Committee: Energy, Utilities and Technology
Fiscal Note
Resources dedicated to heat pumps
Fiscal Detail and Notes
The bill establishes a state goal to install 100,000 new high-performance air source heat pumps and allows the Efficiency Maine Trust (EMT) to credit revenue it receives from the ISO-New England Forward Capacity Market to the Heating Fuels Efficiency and Weatherization Fund to promote the pumps. This change to the distribution of funds dedicated to programs within the EMT will not change the overall level of expenditures by the EMT. 
Additional costs to the Maine State Housing Authority and the Public Utilities Commission associated with the requirements of this legislation can be absorbed within existing budgeted resources.