LD 1914 LR 3054(02)
An Act To Provide a Sales Tax Exemption for Textbooks
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment " "
Committee: Taxation
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 Projections  FY 2021-22 Projections  FY 2022-23
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $0 $360,937 $731,500 $750,500
General Fund $0 ($360,937) ($731,500) ($750,500)
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 ($14,063) ($38,500) ($39,500)
Fiscal Detail and Notes
The bill creates a sales tax exemption for certain textbooks effective January 1, 2021. It would reduce General Fund revenue by $360,937 in fiscal year 2020-21 and reduce Local Government Fund revenue by $14,063 in fiscal year 2020-21.