LD 1792 LR 2492(01)
An Act To Support Employees of the Riverview Psychiatric Center, Including the Riverview Psychiatric Center Outpatient Services Team
Preliminary Fiscal Impact Statement for Original Bill
Sponsor: Rep. Berry of Bowdoinham
Committee: Health and Human Services
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Preliminary Fiscal Impact Statement
FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 Projections  FY 2023-24 Projections  FY 2024-25
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $218,307 $873,229 $873,229 $873,229
General Fund $218,307 $873,229 $873,229 $873,229
Other Special Revenue Funds $342,318 $1,369,271 $1,369,271 $1,369,271
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill includes General Fund appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services of $218,307 in fiscal year 2021-22 and $873,229 in fiscal year 2022-23 for an immediate increase to wages for all employees of the Riverview Psychiatric Center including the Riverview Psychiatric Center outpatient services team by $3 per hour. Other Special Revenue Funds allocations are also included in this bill for the FMAP.

A more current estimate would increase the fiscal year 2021-22 General Fund appropriation by $63,233 to $281,540 and the fiscal year 2022-23 General Fund appropriation by $252,932 to $1,126,161.