LD 205 LR 2401(05)
An Act to Update the Reimbursement for Travel-related Expenses Incurred as a Result of the Performance of Legislative Duties
Fiscal Note for Bill as Engrossed with:
C "A" (S-5)
S "A" (S-6) to C "A" (S-5)
Committee: State and Local Government
Fiscal Note
Current biennium cost increase - General Fund
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill sets the mileage reimbursement rate for Legislators attending sessions at the lesser of $0.55 per mile or the federal reimbursement rate, increases the daily housing allowance from $38 to $70 per day, increases the meals allowance from $32 to $50 per day and removes the cap on daily mileage reimbursement. The additional costs to the Legislature for these changes are estimated to be $1,100,000 in fiscal year 2022-23, $788,600 in fiscal year 2023-24 and $1,234,770 in fiscal year 2024-25. Section 6 of the bill requires the Legislature to identify savings in Legislative accounts to offset these costs and therefore no additional appropriations for these additional costs are provided at this time.