LD 424 LR 1170(07)
An Act Making Certain Appropriations and Allocations and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government
Fiscal Note for House Amendment " " to Committee Amendment "A"
Sponsor: Rep. Sachs of Freeport
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Potential elimination or delay in transfers to the General Fund.
Fiscal Detail and Notes
Assuming an effective date 90 days after the statutory adjournment date of June 21, 2023, removing the emergency preamble could delay or prevent the bill's proposed transfer of $14,910,476 in fiscal year 2022-23 from the Liquor Operation Revenue Fund to the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund. Similarly, removing the emergency preamble could delay the availability of funding provided in the bill for fiscal year 2023-2024 but will not affect overall funding levels provided for each year of the biennium.
Assuming an effective date 90 days prior to the start of fiscal year 2023-24, removing the emergency preamble will not delay the bill's proposed transfer and will not delay the availability of funding for fiscal year 2023-24.