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Notices filed to the Legislature
 Date FiledAgencyNotice TypeTitleDocuments
Select03-26-2025Department of Environmental ProtectionNotice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency)Nutrient Criteria for Class AA, A, B, and C Fresh Surface Waters3
Select03-26-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingSNAP 238P - ABAWD Update2
Select03-25-2025Department of Administrative and Financial ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingDirigo Business Incentives Tax Credit3
Select03-21-2025Department of CorrectionsNotice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency)Detention and Correctional Standards for Maine Counties4
Select03-20-2025Maine Milk CommissionNotice of Emergency Rule AdoptionSchedule of Minimum Prices4
Select03-19-2025Department of Inland Fisheries and WildlifeNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingMoose Hunting (permit allocations)1
Select03-13-2025Department of TransportationNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingRules Relating to Maine State Ferry Service Tolls2
Select03-12-2025Maine Public Employees Retirement SystemNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingLimitations on Earnable Compensation for Purposes of Calculating Average Final Compensation of State Employee and Teacher Members3
Select03-12-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingMC 312 Part 9 and Chart 3.8 Premium Updates3
Select03-12-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingTANF 124 COFA Update2
Select03-10-2025Department of Administrative and Financial ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingLeases and Rentals of Tangible Personal Property3
Select03-09-2025Department of Professional and Financial RegulationNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingEstablishment of License Fees1
Select03-04-2025Public Utilities CommissionNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingRequirements for Public Safety Answering Point and Dispatch Center Annual Reports Regarding Costs to Provision Enhanced 9-1-1 Services3
Select02-26-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingYouth Camp Rule1
Select02-24-2025Department of Environmental ProtectionNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingCompensation for Impacts to High-Value Agricultural Land from Solar Energy Development2
Select02-24-2025Department of Environmental ProtectionNotice of Amendment to Regulatory AgendaCompensation for Impacts to High-Value Agricultural Land from Solar Energy Development1
Select02-21-2025Maine Milk CommissionNotice of Emergency Rule AdoptionSchedule of Minimum Prices5
Select02-20-2025Department of Marine ResourcesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingLandings Program1
Select02-20-2025Department of Marine ResourcesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingAtlantic Herring1
Select02-20-2025Department of Marine ResourcesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingAtlantic menhaden1
Select02-20-2025Department of Marine ResourcesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingGear restrictions1
Select02-20-2025Department of Marine ResourcesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingSanitary Control of Molluscan Shellfish1
Select02-19-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingYouth Camp Rule1
Select02-18-2025Public Utilities CommissionNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingSpecific Exemptions from Regulatory Requirements for Consumer-Owned Water Utilities3
Select02-13-2025Department of Marine ResourcesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingGroundfish1
Select02-13-2025Department of Marine ResourcesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingStriped bass1
Select02-12-2025Department of Public SafetyNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingEntrance Standards1
Select02-12-2025Department of Inland Fisheries and WildlifeNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingMigratory Game Bird Hunting1
Select02-12-2025Department of Inland Fisheries and WildlifeNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingUpland Game and Furbearer Hunting (Gray Squirrels)1
Select02-12-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingCertification Standards For Persons Conducting Chemical Analyses For The Detection And Identification Of Drugs1
Select02-12-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingPrinciples of Reimbursement for Nursing Facilities2
Select02-07-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingControl of Notifiable Diseases and Conditions Rule1
Select02-05-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Final Rule Adoption (Non Emergency)MaineCare Rule 310A2
Select02-05-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingSNAP 2272
Select02-05-2025Department of LaborNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingOccupational Safety and Health Standards for Worker Walkaround Representative Designation2
Select02-05-2025Department of Administrative and Financial ServicesNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingTree Growth Tax Law Valuations3
Select02-04-2025Public Utilities CommissionNotice of Amendment to Regulatory Agenda 1
Select02-03-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Emergency Rule AdoptionPrinciples of Reimbursement for Nursing Facilities2
Select01-31-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Emergency Rule AdoptionTransportation, Storage and Final Disposition of Dead Bodies1
Select01-31-2025Department of Health and Human ServicesNotice of Emergency Rule AdoptionVITAL RECORDS FEES1
Select01-31-2025Public Utilities CommissionNotice of Amendment to Regulatory Agenda 1
Select01-29-2025Department of EducationNotice of Proposed Agency RulemakingSchool Transportation Operations Program1
Select01-28-2025Maine Milk CommissionNotice of Emergency Rule AdoptionSchedule of Minimum Prices5
Select01-28-2025Department of Marine ResourcesNotice of Emergency Rule AdoptionTarget Closures (14) West Vinalhaven Islands1

Documents Included
No notices selected.

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