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First Regular Session of the 119th


     Sec. B-1. To raise money for the construction of county office facilities for York County. The county commissioners of York County are authorized to raise and expend a sum not to exceed $5,000,000 for construction of county office facilities located in York County.

     Sec. B-2. Aid from other sources. The county commissioners of York County are authorized to borrow any portion of the sums authorized by this Part from or through any agency or department of the State and the Federal Government. The county commissioners are authorized to receive grants of money and other assistance from or through any agency or department of the State and the Federal Government for any of the purposes authorized in this Part.

     Sec. B-3. Bonds. To provide funds for county office facilities, the treasurer of York County, with the approval of the county commissioners, may borrow upon the full faith and credit of the county such sums as necessary, not exceeding in the aggregate $5,000,000, and may issue bonds for those sums that must bear on their face the words "York County Capital Improvement Bonds Act of 1999, Part B." Each authorized issue is payable in such annual installments, beginning not more than 2 years from the date of authorization and not earlier than the year 2001, as will extinguish each loan in not more than 20 years from its date. The bonds must be signed by the treasurer of the county and countersigned by the majority of the county commissioners. The county may sell the securities at public or private sale upon such terms and conditions as the county commissioners may determine proper but at not less than par and accrued interest.

     Sec. B-4. Temporary notes. The county treasurer, with the approval of the county commissioners, may issue temporary notes of the county payable not more than one year from their dates in anticipation of the issue of bonds under this Part and may renew those notes, but the time within which the bonds become due and payable may not by reason of such temporary notes be extended beyond the term fixed by this Part. Any notes issued in anticipation of the bonds must be paid from the proceeds of the bonds.

     Sec. B-5. Bonds authorized but not issued. Any bonds authorized but not issued, or for which bond anticipation notes have not been issued within 5 years of the ratification of this Part, are deauthorized and may not be issued, provided that the Legislature may, within 2 years after the expiration of that 5-year period, extend the period for issuing any remaining unissued bonds or bond anticipation notes for an additional amount of time not to exceed 5 years.

     Sec. B-6. Service fees. The county may negotiate with the municipality in which the county office facilities constructed with funds provided under this Part are located for the annual payment of reasonable service fees reflecting the cost of municipal services associated with county office facilities.

     Sec. B-7. Referendum for ratification. This Part must be submitted to the legal voters of York County. The dates of the submission must be determined by the York County Board of Commissioners but may not be later than 18 months after adjournment of the Legislature. The York County commissioners are authorized to expend such funds as necessary to implement the referendum.

     The county commissioners shall cause the preparation of the required ballots on which they shall state the subject matter of this Part in the following question:

     The ballot must also contain the following information determined by the county commissioners to be accurate as of the date when it is necessary to begin preparation of the ballot question:

     1. A statement of the total debt service of the requested issue divided into principal and interest and indicating the interest rate and period of the bond; and

     2. A statement of the county's bonded indebtedness prior to the requested bond issue.

     The voters shall indicate by a cross or a check mark placed against the words "Yes" or "No" their opinion of the question.

     This Part takes effect immediately upon its acceptance by a majority of the legal voters voting at the election provided the total number of votes cast for and against the acceptance of this Part equals or exceeds 30% of the total votes for all candidates for Governor cast in the next previous gubernatorial election in the county. If at the first election the total number of votes cast for or against acceptance of this Part is less than 30% of the total votes for all candidates for Governor cast in the county in the next previous gubernatorial election, the county commissioners may submit the question to voters not more than one other time within the time prescribed in this section.

     The result of the elections must be declared by the York County commissioners and due certificate filed with the Secretary of State.

Effective pending referendum.

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